Questions On Malaysia - India CECA (MICECA)

The MICECA is a comprehensive Agreement, covering Trade in Goods, Trade in Services, Investment and Economic Cooperation.

What are the benefits that can be derived from the MICECA ?

How is the MICECA different from the ASEAN -India FTA ?

The ASEAN -India FTA negotiations were ongoing when the MICECA talks began in February 2008. On 13 August 2009, upon conclusion of negotiations on Trade in Goods, ASEAN and India signed the ASEAN -India Trade in Goods Agreement (AITIG). The AITIG entered into force on 1 January 2010. ASEAN and India are currently negotiating the Agreements on Investment and Trade in Services.

Compared to AITIG, the MICECA contains many pluses. These include:

i) The comprehensive nature of MICECA , i.e., it includes Services, Investment, Economic Cooperation, Customs, SPS and TBT chapters. AITIG only covers Trade in Goods.

ii) The Exclusion List (i.e., list of products excluded from tariff concessions) of MICECA is shorter than that of AITIG. India has excluded 1,225 products under MICECA compared with 1,298 under AITIG. Malaysia has excluded 838 products under MICECA , compared with 898 under AITIG.

iii)For Trade in Goods, MICECA has advanced the timelines agreed under AITIG, e.g.:

iv) Malaysia has been granted better concessions for palm oil and palm oil products under MICECA :

v) MICECA contains more trade-facilitative Product Specific Rules (PSRs) compared with AITIG.

vi) MICECA contains more stringent anti-dumping provisions compared with AITIG, which will benefit Malaysian exporters.

What are the commitments by Malaysia and India under the MICECA ?

a) Trade in Goods

i) Normal Track 1 (NT1): tariffs on all products listed in NT1 will be eliminated by 30 September 2013.

ii) Normal Track 2 (NT2): tariffs on all products listed in NT2 will be eliminated by 30 June 2016.

iii) Sensitive Track (ST): tariffs on all products listed in ST will be capped at 5% by 30 June 2016.

iv)Highly Sensitive List (HSL): applies to Malaysia only. Tariff cuts on all products listed in HSL will be formula-based: