There is a difference between getting an engineering degree and getting an engineering degree from the Cockrell School of Engineering. Whether an undergraduate or a graduate student, you will find an academic experience rich with versatility, opportunity and study, where you will learn from the best professors in the world. You will go beyond "learning by doing" — with our world-class faculty and supportive academic advisors, you will create your own path in Texas Engineering. Focusing on a multidisciplinary, hands-on approach to learning, we educate and develop you to think creatively, work collaboratively, advance industries and improve lives throughout the world.
As an undergraduate student in the Cockrell School, you will learn to use your creative and analytical sides. Through hands-on projects, experiential learning environments and plenty of opportunities to solve real-world problems, you will be an engineer from day one.
As a graduate student in the Cockrell School, you become part of a longstanding tradition of excellence and success. Whether your focus is local or global, your graduate education generates opportunities for truly making a difference across every spectrum of society.