The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 requires federal agencies to respect the customs, ceremonies, and traditions of Native American religions. This report and its recommendations are the result of a multi-agency cooperative effort with Native traditional and tribal leaders to assure that the interference and insensitivity of the past will not be repeated in future practice. Part I provides an historical treatment of the pertinent events and actions which have resulted in the protection of the religious freedom of American Indians, Aleuts, Eskimos, and Native Hawaiians. Part II contains President Carter's statement upon approval of Public Law 95-341; a summary of the establishment and activities of the Task Force to implement the Act and prepare this report to the Congress; summary statements of Task Force member agencies; and a brief record of consultation with Native traditional religious leaders, as required by the Act. Part III contains recommendations on land; on access to sacred sites and objects; and on ceremonies and traditional rites, as they relate to federal agency practice. Part IV contains a narrative treatment of other issues identified as priority concerns during consultations, with discussions advanced as concepts for subsequent federal and tribal recommendations to the Congress. (Author/AN)
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