Create a mini Hospital Management System project in Java with source code and download a report PDF for free. This mini-project should contain the doctor-patient table with all records. for example Doctor name, Timing speciality, and availability. Hospital Management projects should have all the necessary requirements to full fill, the need to create a java project for the management staff of the hospital and also download the code and report for free. Do you know This is the most important and mostly asked project in schools and colleges?.
This(Hospital Management System Project in Java with Source Code PDF) is a very popular project among students. In this project, I cover 1. DOCTOR, 2. PATIENT, 3. MEDICAL, 4. LAB, 5. FACILITY, 6. STAFF tables. Now take an example of the Doctor table, I already saved some doctor details, when you select option 1. The doctor then 2 option will occur. new entry or 2. doctor list Here you can save the details of the New Doctor like Below.
You can see the newly updated list of doctors and by pressing 2 you can see those details Check Below.
ID | Doctor Name | Specialist | Timing | Qualification | Room No. |
21 | Dr Ghanendra | ENT | 10-04 | MBBS, MD | 17 |
32 | Dr Vikram | Physician | 07-12 | MBBS | 45 |
17 | Dr Nistha | Child Specialist | 10-04 | MBBS, MD | 08 |
33 | Dr Pramod | Artho | 10-04 | MBBS | 40 |
17 | Dr Rekha | Artho | 08-12 | MBBS | 12 |
In this Hospital Management System Project in Java with Source Code PDF. You can also check the patient list or you can admit new patients same as the Doctors List for that you have to go to the main menu and then select a patient then 2 options will occur 1. Add New Entry or 2. Existing Patients List and by pressing 2 you can check the patient details. These are the list of my friend and they are not patient they are absolutely fine(Just for Fun).
ID | Patients Name | Disease | Gender | Admit Status | Age |
12 | Pankaj | Cancer | Male | Y | 30 |
13 | Kuli | Cold | Male | Y | 23 |
14 | Samya | Malaria | Female | N | 45 |
15 | Ravi | Sugar | Male | Y | 25 |
How to run this Hospital Management System Project in Java with Source Code PDF. First, create a folder on your desktop with any name then save or download the code as Now open a command prompt by pressing win+r simultaneously and go to the location of the by using the cd command.
CD desktop
CD “folder name”(without quotes)
Now run the below command. The first, command is for compiling the program and the second one is for running the program.
java hospitalmanagement
after running the command their will be 7 .class(doctor.class, fecility.class,hospitalmanagement.class, lab.class, medical.class, patient.class, and staff.class) will be created.
Now your program is ready to work do whatever you want to perform operations. We also have some competitive websites solution in C, C++, and Java Programming languages. Free Download Java Projects and others here.
Below you can find the Hospital Management System Project in Java with Source Code PDF. This is a very important mini or we can say that medium size of project for bachelors and masters student.
import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Calendar; /* Hospital Management System Project in Java with Source Code PDF Visit for more */ class staff String sid, sname, desg, sex; int salary; void new_staff() Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("id:-"); sid = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("name:-"); sname = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("desigination:-"); desg = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("sex:-"); sex = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("salary:-"); salary = input.nextInt(); > void staff_info() System.out.println(sid + "\t" + sname + "\t" + sex + "\t" + salary); > > class doctor String did, dname, specilist, appoint, doc_qual; int droom; void new_doctor() Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("id:-"); did = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("name:-"); dname = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("specilization:-"); specilist = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("work time:-"); appoint = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("qualification:-"); doc_qual = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("room no.:-"); droom = input.nextInt(); > void doctor_info() System.out.println(did + "\t" + dname + " \t" + specilist + " \t" + appoint + " \t" + doc_qual + " \t" + droom); > > class patient String pid, pname, disease, sex, admit_status; int age; void new_patient() Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("id:-"); pid = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("name:-"); pname = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("disease:-"); disease = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("sex:-"); sex = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("admit_status:-"); admit_status = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("age:-"); age = input.nextInt(); > void patient_info() System.out.println(pid + "\t" + pname + " \t" + disease + " \t" + sex + " \t" + admit_status + "\t" + age); > > class medical String med_name, med_comp, exp_date; int med_cost, count; void new_medi() Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("name:-"); med_name = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("comp:-"); med_comp = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("exp_date:-"); exp_date = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("cost:-"); med_cost = input.nextInt(); System.out.print("no of unit:-"); count = input.nextInt(); > void find_medi() System.out.println(med_name + " \t" + med_comp + " \t" + exp_date + " \t" + med_cost); > > class lab String fecility; int lab_cost; void new_feci() Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("fecility:-"); fecility = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("cost:-"); lab_cost = input.nextInt(); > void feci_list() System.out.println(fecility + "\t\t" + lab_cost); > > class fecility //Sorry Facility but do not change the name String fec_name; void add_feci() Scanner input = new Scanner(; System.out.print("fecility:-"); fec_name = input.nextLine(); > void show_feci() System.out.println(fec_name); > > public class HospitalManagement public static void main(String args[]) String months[] = "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" >; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); //System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); int count1 = 4, count2 = 4, count3 = 4, count4 = 4, count5 = 4, count6 = 4; System.out.println("\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" *** Welcome to Hospital Management System Project in Java ***"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.print("Date: " + months[calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)] + " " + calendar.get(Calendar.DATE) + " " + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); System.out.println("\t\t\t\t\t\tTime: " + calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) + ":" + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)); doctor[] d = new doctor[25]; patient[] p = new patient[100]; lab[] l = new lab[20]; fecility[] f = new fecility[20]; medical[] m = new medical[100]; staff[] s = new staff[100]; int i; for (i = 0; i 25; i++) d[i] = new doctor(); for (i = 0; i 100; i++) p[i] = new patient(); for (i = 0; i 20; i++) l[i] = new lab(); for (i = 0; i 20; i++) f[i] = new fecility(); for (i = 0; i 100; i++) m[i] = new medical(); for (i = 0; i 100; i++) s[i] = new staff(); d[0].did = "21"; d[0].dname = "Dr.Ghanendra"; d[0].specilist = "ENT"; d[0].appoint = "5-11AM"; d[0].doc_qual = "MBBS,MD"; d[0].droom = 17; d[1].did = "32"; d[1].dname = "Dr.Vikram"; d[1].specilist = "Physician"; d[1].appoint = "10-3AM"; d[1].doc_qual = "MBBS,MD"; d[1].droom = 45; d[2].did = "17"; d[2].dname = "Dr.Rekha"; d[2].specilist = "Surgeon"; d[2].appoint = "8-2AM"; d[2].doc_qual = "BDM"; d[2].droom = 8; d[3].did = "33"; d[3].dname = "Dr.Pramod"; d[3].specilist = "Artho"; d[3].appoint = "10-4PM"; d[3].doc_qual = "MBBS,MS"; d[3].droom = 40; p[0].pid = "12"; p[0].pname = "Pankaj"; p[0].disease = "Cancer"; p[0].sex = "Male"; p[0].admit_status = "y"; p[0].age = 30; p[1].pid = "13"; p[1].pname = "Sumit"; p[1].disease = "Cold"; p[1].sex = "Male"; p[1].admit_status = "y"; p[1].age = 23; p[2].pid = "14"; p[2].pname = "Alok"; p[2].disease = "Maleriya"; p[2].sex = "Male"; p[2].admit_status = "y"; p[2].age = 45; p[3].pid = "15"; p[3].pname = "Ravi"; p[3].disease = "Diabetes"; p[3].sex = "Male"; p[3].admit_status = "y"; p[3].age = 25; m[0].med_name = "Corex"; m[0].med_comp = "Cino pvt"; m[0].exp_date = "9-5-16"; m[0].med_cost = 55; m[0].count = 8; m[1].med_name = "Nytra"; m[1].med_comp = "Ace pvt"; m[1].exp_date = "4-4-15"; m[1].med_cost = 500; m[1].count = 5; m[2].med_name = "Brufa"; m[2].med_comp = "Reckitt"; m[2].exp_date = "12-7-17"; m[2].med_cost = 50; m[2].count = 56; m[3].med_name = "Pride"; m[3].med_comp = "DDF pvt"; m[3].exp_date = "12-4-12"; m[3].med_cost = 1100; m[3].count = 100; l[0].fecility = "X-ray "; l[0].lab_cost = 800; l[1].fecility = "CT Scan "; l[1].lab_cost = 1200; l[2].fecility = "OR Scan "; l[2].lab_cost = 500; l[3].fecility = "Blood Bank"; l[3].lab_cost = 50; f[0].fec_name = "Ambulance"; f[1].fec_name = "Admit Facility "; f[2].fec_name = "Canteen"; f[3].fec_name = "Emergency"; s[0].sid = "22"; s[0].sname = "Prakash"; s[0].desg = "Worker"; s[0].sex = "Male"; s[0].salary = 5000; s[1].sid = "23"; s[1].sname = "Komal"; s[1].desg = "Nurse"; s[1].sex = "Female"; s[1].salary = 2000; s[2].sid = "24"; s[2].sname = "Raju"; s[2].desg = "Worker"; s[2].sex = "Male"; s[2].salary = 5000; s[3].sid = "25"; s[3].sname = "Rani"; s[3].desg = "Nurse"; s[3].sex = "Female"; s[3].salary = 20000; Scanner input = new Scanner(; int choice, j, c1, status = 1, s1 = 1, s2 = 1, s3 = 1, s4 = 1, s5 = 1, s6 = 1; while (status == 1) System.out.println("\n MAIN MENU"); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("1.Doctos 2. Patients 3.Medicines 4.Laboratories 5. Facilities 6. Staff "); System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); choice = input.nextInt(); switch (choice) case 1: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" **DOCTOR SECTION**"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); s1 = 1; while (s1 == 1) System.out.println("1.Add New Entry\n2.Existing Doctors List"); c1 = input.nextInt(); switch (c1) case 1: d[count1].new_doctor();count1++; break; > case 2: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("id \t Name\t Specilist \t Timing \t Qualification \t Room No."); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count1; j++) d[j].doctor_info(); > break; > > System.out.println("\nReturn to Back Press 1 and for Main Menu Press 0"); s1 = input.nextInt(); > break; > case 2: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" **PATIENT SECTION**"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); s2 = 1; while (s2 == 1) System.out.println("1.Add New Entry\n2.Existing Patients List"); c1 = input.nextInt(); switch (c1) case 1: p[count2].new_patient();count2++; break; > case 2: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("id \t Name \t Disease \t Gender \t Admit Status \t Age"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count2; j++) p[j].patient_info(); > break; > > System.out.println("\nReturn to Back Press 1 and for Main Menu Press 0"); s2 = input.nextInt(); > break; > case 3: s3 = 1; System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" **MEDICINE SECTION**"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); while (s3 == 1) System.out.println("1.Add New Entry\n2. Existing Medicines List"); c1 = input.nextInt(); switch (c1) case 1: m[count3].new_medi();count3++; break; > case 2: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Name \t Company \t Expiry Date \t Cost"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count3; j++) m[j].find_medi(); > break; > > System.out.println("\nReturn to Back Press 1 and for Main Menu Press 0"); s3 = input.nextInt(); > break; > case 4: s4 = 1; System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" **LABORATORY SECTION**"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); while (s4 == 1) System.out.println("1.Add New Entry \n2.Existing Laboratories List"); c1 = input.nextInt(); switch (c1) case 1: l[count4].new_feci();count4++; break; > case 2: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Fecilities\t\t Cost"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count4; j++) l[j].feci_list(); > break; > > System.out.println("\nReturn to Back Press 1 and for Main Menu Press 0"); s4 = input.nextInt(); > break; > case 5: s5 = 1; System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" **HOSPITAL FACILITY SECTION**"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); while (s5 == 1) System.out.println("1.Add New Facility\n2.Existing Fecilities List"); c1 = input.nextInt(); switch (c1) case 1: f[count5].add_feci();count5++; break; > case 2: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("Hospital Facility are:"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count5; j++) f[j].show_feci(); > break; > > System.out.println("\nReturn to Back Press 1 and for Main Menu Press 0"); s5 = input.nextInt(); > break; > case 6: s6 = 1; System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println(" **STAFF SECTION**"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); while (s6 == 1) String a = "nurse", b = "worker", c = "security"; System.out.println("1.Add New Entry \n2.Existing Nurses List\n3.Existing Workers List \n4.Existing Security List"); c1 = input.nextInt(); switch (c1) case 1: s[count6].new_staff();count6++; break; > case 2: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("id \t Name \t Gender \t Salary"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count6; j++) if (a.equals(s[j].desg)) s[j].staff_info(); > break; > case 3: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("id \t Name \t Gender \t Salary"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count6; j++) if (b.equals(s[j].desg)) s[j].staff_info(); > break; > case 4: System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("id \t Name \t Gender \t Salary"); System.out.println("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for (j = 0; j count6; j++) if (c.equals(s[j].desg)) s[j].staff_info(); > break; > > System.out.println("\nReturn to Back Press 1 and for Main Menu Press 0"); s6 = input.nextInt(); > break; > default: System.out.println(" You Have Enter Wrong Choice. "); > > System.out.println("\nReturn to MAIN MENU Press 1"); status = input.nextInt(); > > >