The latest revision dates, when applicable, will be found in the Numerical List of Blumberg Forms. To determine if you are holding outdated forms, check the date at the top of the form against the publication date shown in our Numerical List. If your form has an earlier date, replace it with the revised version.
Blumberg has over 300 Legal Forms you can see instantly before you buy.
New York > Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
330 Renewal lease form, DHCR RTP-8, Sec. 2523.5(a) RSC for use in New York City, 2 pp., 6-20. This file contains two versions of the Renewal Lease Form (RTP-8). Use the 9/19 form for leases expiring before 10/1/20 and the 6/20 form that follows the 9/19 form, for leases expiring after 9/30/20.
January 2020
October 2019 New and Updated Forms
Apartment Unregulated
A186 Apartment lease, 2-5 units, furn/unfurn, plain English, 4 pp., 7-19
A261 Replaced by revised form A186.
T202 Lease from month to month, 7-19
303 Apartment lease, furn/unfurn, plain English, 4 pp., 7-19 ONLINE ONLY
T48 Apartment lease, balanced moderate coverage, plain English, 2 pp. , 7-19
A55 Apartment lease, comprehensive, guaranty, acknowledgments, plain English, 4pp., 7-19
M57 Lease for an unregulated apartment, 13 pp., 7-19
Apartment Regulated
A327 Apartment lease, stabilized/controlled, plain English, 2 pp., 7-19
A53 Replaced by revised form A327
M56 Lease for a rent-stabilized apartment, 13 pp.
3120NY House lease with option to buy, plain English, furnished or unfurnished, 7-19
A54 House lease, furn/unfurn, moderate coverage, plain English, 4 pp., 7-19
A495 Replaced by revised form A54.
101 Condominium unit lease, plain English, 8 pp., 7-19
102 Condominium unit lease, comprehensive, 11 pp., 7-19 ONLINE ONLY
86 Sublease of a cooperative apartment, 13 pp., 7-19 ONLINE ONLY
315 Weekly vacation residence lease, plain English, furnished, 2 pp., 7-19
313 Seasonal/vacation lease, house/apartment, furnished, plain English, 2pps., 7-19
Riders and Renewals
326 Rent Stabilization Rider, 9-19
330 Renewal lease form, DHCR RTP-8, for use in New York City, 9-19
61 Collected riders for regulated and unregulated leases in NYC (includes 326), ONLINE ONLY
Notices to Tenants
B119 Notice to tenant, 14 days, English and Spanish, assistance statement, 7-19
T304 Notice to tenant by certified mail, 5 days, English and Spanish, assistance statement, 7-19
T309 Omnibus notice of termination of tenancy of non-regulated residence, 30, 60 or 90 days, 7-19
Notices of Petition
T207B Notice of petition, non-payment, business, Civil Ct., 7-19
T207D Notice of petition, non-payment, dwelling, Civil Ct., 10-19
X211 Notice of petition, holdover, dwelling, Civil Ct., 10-19
X445 Notice of petition, non-payment, Blank Ct., 7-19
T449 Notice of petition, holdover, Blank Ct., 7-19
T511 Notice of petition, any grounds, Blank Ct., 7-19
T1407 Notice of petition, non-payment, District Ct., 7-19
T1411 Notice of petition, dwelling or business, District Ct., 7-19
September 2019 New and Updated Forms
102 Condominium unit lease, comprehensive, 11 pp., 7-19 ONLINE ONLY available soon
Notices to Tenants
The “Housing Stability and Tenant Protection act of 2019”; extends and makes certain provisions of law permanent relating to rent control and rent stabilization.
The act makes reforms that dramatically limit landlords’ ability to raise rents on the basis of building and apartment renovations.
August 2019 New and Updated Forms
Landlord and Tenant (including leases).
All-New forms dated 7-19.
Forms in italics are available only online. Printed forms that are ready to ship have a buy link.
Apartment Leases Unregulated
Form A186, Apartment lease, 2-5 units, furn/unfurn, plain English, 4 pp., 7-19
Form A261, Replaced by revised form A186.
Form 202, Lease from month to month, 7-19
Form 303, Apartment lease, furn/unfurn, plain English, 4 pps., 7-19
Form T48 Apartment lease, balanced moderate coverage, plain English, 2 pps . , 7-19
Form A55 Apartment lease, comprehensive, guaranty, acknowledgments, plain English, 4pps., 7-19 Buy Paper Forms Here
Form M57 Lease for an unregulated apartment, 13 pp., 7-19
Apartment Leases Regulated
Form A327 Apartment lease, stabilized/controlled, plain English, 2 pp., 7-19
Form A53 Replaced by revised form 327
Form M56 Lease for a rent-stabilized apartment, 13 pp.
House Lease
Form 3120NY House lease with an option to buy, plain English, furnished or unfurnished, 7-19
Form A54 House lease, furn/unfurn, moderate coverage, plain English, 4 pp., 7-19
Form A495 Replaced by revised form A54.
Form 315 Weekly vacation residence lease, plain English, furnished, 2 pp., 7-19
Form 313 Seasonal/vacation lease, house/apartment, furnished, plain English, 2pps., 7-19
July 2019 New and Updated Forms
Notices to Tenants and Notices of Petition are under review as a result of the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019, enacted in June 2019. The Act does not provide for an interim period prior to taking effect. We are reviewing the Act and will be publishing new forms soon.
We will begin to upload these forms at shortly
Blumberg form 119, formerly a 3-day notice, will be a 14-day notice. Rent demands required by law must be in writing, sent certified mail, and allow tenants 14 days to pay (RPL 711(2), 7-19
A new Blumberg form 309, will be an omnibus notice for 30, 60 and 90 day periods, 7-19
A new Blumberg form 310 will be a 5-day notice sent certified mail, RPL §235-E(d), 7-19
Blumberg form 307, 30-day notice, will be available for situations not affected by the Act, 7-19
Notices of Petition
Forms 207b, 207d, 211, 445, 449, 511, 1407 and 1411 are under review.
May 2019 New Forms
Form 5159 Blank State Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement Features List, 4 pp. , 2016. Review and choose the agreement (5159A – 5159F) below, appropriate for your LLC.
Form 5159A Model Act Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement, Single Member, Member Managed, 15 pp., 2016
Form 5159C Model Act Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement, Single Member, Basic Form One Class Percentages Member Governed, 31 pp., 2016
Form 5159D Model Act Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement, Standard Form, One Class Percentage Membership Interests No Priority Return, 58 pp., 2016
Form 5159F Model Act Limited Liability Company Operating Agreement, Long Form, One Class Two Members Percentages Priority Return of Capital Full Buy-Sell Provisions, 96 pp., 2016
Form 5154-1A New York Member Managed Single Member Operating Agreement, with Statement of Organization, Consent of Members, Consent of Directors, Notice of Publication, 13 pp., 2016
Form 5154-1B New York Manager Managed Single Member Operating Agreement, with Statement of Organization, Consent of Members, Consent of Directors, Notice of Publication, 13 pp., 2016
Form 5154-2A New York Manager Managed Multiple Member Operating Agreement and Company Regulations, with Statement of Organization, Consent of Members, Consent of Directors, Notice of Publication,56 pp., 2016
Form 5154-2B New York Member Managed, Multiple Member Operating Agreement, with Statement of Organization, Consent of Members, Consent of Directors, Notice of Publication, 44 pp., 2016
April 2018
56 Apartment lease, rent stabilized, comprehensive, by Alan Leitman Bailey, P.C.
Revised and updated comprehensive form, 4-18, 13 pp.
Paper (M56) and online (56).
61 Collected lease riders, 18 riders, 40 pp. Online only. Revised to include: Revised Rent Stabilization Rider, 2-18, 12 pp.
Smoking Policy Rider (62), 4-18
Fire Safety Plan Rider, 4-18
Bed Bug Disclosure Notice (63) 4-18
Gas Leak Rider, 4-18
Sprinkler System Notice, 4-18
38 Smoking Policy Rider, 4-18. A fillable pdf online
Paper (A38) and online (38).
326 Rent Stabilization Rider, 2-18, 12 pp., 25/$26
326BX Same, box of 250/$150, 2 boxes/$137 ea., 4 boxes/$120 ea.
Form 326 is included in form 61 collected riders above
Summary Proceedings
T207D Original notice of petition, non-payment dwelling, 4 pp., 1-18, 24/pkg., $48.00
The Office of Court Administration advises that the version of 207D dated 10-97 available at and the new paper version dated 1-18 are accepted until further notice.
212 Eviction notice postcard, holdover , Civil Ct., 25/pkg. 1-18, 1 – $26.00, 4 – $19.80 ea., 20 – $9.65 ea. Combine with 216 for quantity price.
216 Eviction notice postcard, non-payment , Civil Ct., 25/pkg. 1-18, same prices as 212. Combine with 212 for quantity price.
Property Executions Change in the statutory exemption amount. Available soon.
T120 Blank ct., notice to garnishee, 4-18
460 Blank ct., without notice to garnishee, 4-18 Web Only
320 Civil Ct., notice to garnishee, 4-18 Web Only
Income Execution Change in the statutory exemption amount. Available soon.
T 439 Blank Court, 4-18
July 2017 New Item
Presentation Easel
Charles Leonard Inc. Showoff Presentation Easel
Transforms any binder into a presentation binder. Handy easel clips onto all binder spines, allowing your choice of horizontal and vertical formats. Telescoping legs let you adjust viewing angle. Re-use over and over.
July 2017 Revised Forms
New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Forms
Pursuant to the NY Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013, Effective, July 1, 2014
Prepared by lawyers Alliance for New York. A nonprofit organization that connects nonprofits working in low-income New York City communities with a network of pro bono lawyers from law firms and corporations.
New York – Corporations
5153MEM – Not-for-Profit membership corporations: bylaws, organization minutes, waiver of notice, title page, notes, 20 pp., 6-17
5153WOM – Not-for-Profit corporations without members: bylaws, organization minutes, waiver of notice, title page, notes, 18 pp., 6-17
For commentary about the changes in the Nonprofit Revitalization Act of 2013, click here
For commentary about the Not-for-Profit Corporation Forms, click here
June 2017 New Forms
New York City Enacts Protection for Freelance Workers, Effective 5/ 15/2017
A single person or an entity with only one person, engaged as an independent contractor by companies in New York City for work worth more than $800 (including multiple small projects within a 120 day period), is entitled to a written Freelance Contract that provides timely and full wage payment rights, prohibits retaliation if they exercise their rights, and provides penalties against companies for non-compliance.
A freelance worker can file a complaint with the Department of Consumer Affairs’s (DCA) Office of Labor Policy & Standards. DCA will notify you if a complaint is filed against you. You must respond to the notice of complaint in writing within 20 days. If you do not respond and if the freelance worker files a civil action in court, the judge will presume that you committed the violations. If you have questions, email
A freelance worker can file a civil action in court for violations of the law. If a court finds that you violated the law, you can be liable for damages-double damages for late payment or nonpayment; additional damages for failure to provide a written contract or retaliation-plus attorneys’ fees and costs.
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy – Business
3137 – Freelance contract, 6-17.
January 2017 Revised Forms!
The revision reflects the increase on December 31, 2016, of the current dollar amount of the exemption from enforcement of judgments based upon the revised NY State minimum wage. NYS has enacted various wage amounts so please check the accompanying wage chart on page 3 of the form and use the applicable amount to calculate in the appropriate field.
Connecticut – Powers of Attorney, Agents, Health Care
1220 – Uniform general power of attorney (durable), certification of validity and authority, CT Uniform Power of Attorney Act, 5 pp, 7-16 Note: the Uniform Form is durable unless the Principal indicates otherwise
May 2016 Revised Form
April 2016 Revised Forms
New York – Landlord and Tenant (including Leases) – Leases – Apartment: Regulated
56 – Lease for a rent-stabilized apartment, 12 pp., with lease riders, including the revised Rent Stabilization Rider (3-16), 28 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
New York – Landlord and Tenant – Lease – Related Forms – Rider
61 – Riders for regulated and unregulated apartments in NYC, including the revised Rent Stabilization Rider, 33 pp., 7-14
January 2016 Revised Form
The revision reflects the increase on January 1, 2016, of the current dollar amount of the exemption from enforcement of judgments based upon the revised NY State minimum wage. Watch this NEWS section for information about coming increases in the fast food industry and the NYS employees minimum wage.
New York – Enforcement of Judgments
439 Income execution, CPLR §5231, blank ct., notice about Fast Food Workers, 12 NYCRR §146-1.2 & 3.13, 3 pp., 1-16
November 2015 New Forms
Most successful franchise systems have great locations. For these franchisors, the investment of time and energy for site selection is significant and retaining those sites is very important. The most popular method of providing a franchisor control over a location is by obtaining the landlord’s written agreement to certain key lease provisions. Franchisors can present this form to its franchisees as the “standard” form of lease rider for retail space. The franchisee, in turn, will seek to cause the landlord to incorporate these terms into the lease agreement. This form contains the most critical and customary clauses to include in a lease agreement to achieve the franchisor’s goal of controlling favorable real estate.
New York – Landlord and Tenant
405 – Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
New Jersey – Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
905 – Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Pennsylvania – Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
1895 – Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Florida – Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
1905 – Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy – Landlord and Tenant (including Leases)
3015 – Standard franchise lease rider between, landlord, tenant franchisee and franchisor, 3 pp., 11-15
Short-term rentals are common (and perhaps inescapable) in a city like New York and other popular destinations, despite laws that prohibit the rental of an apartment in a Multiple Dwelling for less than 30 consecutive days. Recently, however there’s been a dramatic upsurge in such rentals, thanks to vacation rental apps that have made the transactions simpler and more attractive for tenants and travelers. How much of a problem is it and how should it be addressed?
Vacation rental apps provide an online marketplace that connects people with apartments to rent with people who need a place to stay. There are, of course, many proponents of this business model. After all, these types of services have been used for generations to aid travelers of modest means. And what apartment owner or tenant would not jump at the opportunity to earn a few extra dollars? Especially, in New York City where it’s more lucrative. Besides, what’s the harm?
In fact, quite a few parties might be harmed – and not just those directly involved. Certainly, owners and building management are affected by violations of the law. There is, for instance, the cost of fines and lawsuits brought by these transient renters or by parties who suffer damage. Meanwhile, from a government viewpoint, such transactions may ignore, not only zoning laws but numerous fire, safety, and hazard prevention laws. In addition, it is likely that the income earned by the tenant/lessor will never be reported for tax purposes. In the long run, these issues can affect many, if not all, services provided by the government to its citizens.
Frequently, however, the impact of the trend is most keenly felt by neighbors who live in these buildings. Recent news reports have been full of tenant complaints about excessive noise, damage and general offensiveness on the part of vacationers on short term stays. Reports of greater threats and dangers are not uncommon. And even when it poses no immediate danger, the presence of transients can be disturbing. Tenants may rightfully feel that the changing stream of residents across the hall violates their right to the quiet enjoyment of their own premises. Who wants to live in a hotel without a hotel’s security?
With the need to enforce the ban against such rentals pitted against the realities of the marketplace, it often falls to the owner or management of the building to discourage tenants from violating the law. Including a paragraph in lease agreements that specifically prohibits these types of short-term rentals could go very far in deterring them, especially if the penalty for violation results in financial damages or even eviction. We have revised the following forms to include a new paragraph Short Term Rentals Prohibited.
New York – Landlord and Tenant
48 – *Apartment lease, balanced moderate coverage, plain English, 2 pp., 11-15
57 – Lease for an unregulated apartment, 13 pp., with lease riders, 23 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
54– *House lease, furn/unfurn, brokerage clause, guaranty, acknowledgments, Plain English, 4 pp., 11-15
495 – *House lease, furn/unfurn, moderate coverage, plain English, 4 pp., 11-15
56 – Lease for a rent stabilized apartment, 12 pp., with lease riders, including the revised Rent Stabilization Rider, 28 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
86 – Sublease of a cooperative apartment, 13 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey, Leonard H. Ritz and Dov Treimen, 11-15
102 – Condominium unit lease, 10 pp., prepared by Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treimen, 11-15
Nationwide, UCC and Bankruptcy – Landlord and Tenant
55 – *Apartment lease, comprehensive, guaranty, acknowledgments, plain English, 4 pp., 11-15
October 2015 Revised Form