The Open Public Meetings Act, popularly known as the "Sunshine Law," was approved on October 21, 1975, and became effective on January 19, 1976 (PL 1975, chapter 231). The Sunshine Law was enacted in response to growing public cynicism about politics and distrust of government in the wake of the Vietnam War and Watergate. The intent of the OPMA was to have government meetings conducted in the open, to the greatest extent possible, consistent with the public interest and without invading individual privacy.
Published by New Jersey State League of Municipalities, this guide provides the relating statute and provides a narrative to this section of the statute. This guide is available for purchase through our form (PDF).
The publication is a plain language narrative that will help you navigate OPMA through the public meeting process. Where relevant, you will find references to code sections and case law throughout this narrative, which you may find helpful as a reference. In addition, you will find samples of required notices. This guide is not intended to be a substitute for your municipal attorney’s legal advice. If you have any questions concerning the application of OPMA, seek out the counsel of an experienced municipal attorney.