At SalesTaxSolutions.US, we help ecommerce businesses with sales tax registrations, also known as sales tax licenses, sales tax permits or seller’s permits. For ecommerce business owners, nexus determination and the sales tax registration process can be hopelessly complicated, and that is why so many businesspeople rely on our sales tax company for assistance with these processes, as well as for renewing their licenses.
When you operate an ecommerce business, you must file for a sales tax registration permit in each state in which you have nexus. Nexus determination is made by counting how many sales you have made in each state and totaling the dollar amount. Different states have different economic nexus thresholds, and that is why so many business owners turn to us for nexus help .
Once nexus determination is made and your ecommerce sales tax registration is complete, you will receive a sales tax permit from that state. It is a good idea to make electronic copies of your sales tax registration permits and keep the originals in a safe place.
In some states, sales tax permits are good for the life of your business, but in other states, they expire. Expiration dates vary; some are as short as a year while others are as long as five years. Many states do not charge for sales tax registrations , but some charge as much as $100. You might think that the states that charge a fee for sales tax registrations are the same ones that require you to renew, but in fact, there is no correlation. Additionally, some states that charge for a permit do not charge for a renewal.
In many states that require renewal of your ecommerce sales tax permit, that renewal is automatic, and nothing need be done on your part. In other states, you must take action to renew your permit or it will lapse and you will need to start over from the beginning by obtaining a new sales tax permit.