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Congress enacted 28 U.S.C. § 1711 – 1715 – known as the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA). Created in 2005, CAFA requires defendants to notify state and federal regulators of any proposed settlement and to provide regulators with at least 90 days to review the proposed settlement before final approval can be granted.
When does CAFA notice need to be sent?
The CAFA notices must be sent within 10 days from the filing for preliminary approval of a class action settlement.
Who should the CAFA notice be sent to?
CAFA requires all defendants to notify state and federal regulators where any class member may reside of any proposed class action settlement that is in federal courts within 10 days of filing of preliminary approval. If the location of the class members is unable to be determined, defendants should give notice to regulators in all fifty states and U.S. territories, as well as to any applicable state regulators.
Is CAFA notice required for all settlements??
CAFA does not affect settlements in state courts, only cases settled in federal courts.
What must be sent with the CAFA notice?
The content of the notice must include:
· A copy of the complaint and all exhibits
· Notice of any scheduled hearings in the class action
· A copy of the proposed notice to class members
· The proposed or final settlement agreement
· Any simultaneous agreement between plaintiffs’ counsel and the settling defendants
· The proposed dismissal
· The names of class members who reside in each state and the share of claims of such members to the settlement (if able to be attained) and/or the estimates of the number of class members who reside in each state and the share of claims of such members to the settlement
· Any written opinion relative to the settlement